
Wear Your Crown

Tunes to move you & unleash your inner Queen

When you know you are of worth
— not asking it, but knowing it —
you walk into a room with a particular power.

Maya angelou

This is for all the women in our lives who need a burst of encouragement. For those breaking down career barriers in traditionally masculine fields, the ones who have left toxic and dysfunctional relationships to find themselves again, the selfless nurturers that care for loved ones, those who challenge the status quo to live their truth, and those who look towards growth and authenticity in their everyday lives. Celebrate your power, and the strength it took to get you to where you’re at.

Featuring some of the fiercest women in the musical game, this hour long playlist is the boost we all need in life. Make sure that crown is snug, and let’s get moving.

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About Author

Former night-life aficionado turned snack b*tch, uses her spare time to document the perils of parenting & rooting for the virtue of humanity.