My first child, Noa, was not planned. I was beyond shocked when i found out. Once I had gotten over the “scary parts”, such as telling my family, figuring out some sort of plan with my now husband (who was…
My first child, Noa, was not planned. I was beyond shocked when i found out. Once I had gotten over the “scary parts”, such as telling my family, figuring out some sort of plan with my now husband (who was…
A 50-hour Natural Birth Story It was just after 5 am when I woke up with the wave of a real contraction. My first thought was, “Finally!” I knew this wasn’t Braxton Hicks anymore. It was February 26 – eleven…
THE UNCONVENTIONAL COOL My childhood wasn’t normal. There are stories about the way i grew up that sound unbelievable, it would be hard to convince people i wasn’t lying. It just seemed like my dad was always up to some…
It takes a certain kind of grit to go through life as a single mother. For some, the decision to embark on that journey (aka separating from your partner) is only the beginning of the many hard choices you will…