
Never Have I Ever

We all have embarrassing stories. Some might be too humiliating to admit, no matter how funny they may seem, but we believe that laughing it up with your bffs is what these moments were made for. 

Let’s play a game of Never Have I Ever, motherhood edition. 

Never have I ever :

kept a secret snack stash from my family

snuck out of bed in the middle of the night to eat.

skipped a  PTA meeting, and then made up a lie as an excuse.

cried while watching a romantic movie and then reminisced about life pre-kids.

answered my kids homework, finished their project, or done more than just help to speed up the process. 

allowed the kids to watch Youtube for more than the recommended, “healthy” amount of time

had the shit smell stuck on my hand/ fingers from washing the kid’s bum or changing diapers.

had an audience of children watch me shower or take a shit.

been kicked in the face by my kid while sleeping.

cried while looking at my own stretchmarks and scars from giving birth.

played wrestle mania with a child while changing their clothes or brushing their teeth.  

had my kids humiliate me in public.

lied to my kids about buying them something just to keep them quiet (only to take it out of the grocery cart during check out).

played hide and seek or tag with my child at the grocery/mall.

had a mini heart attack from watching in horror as my toddler ran towards the escalator.

cried while watching my kid during a recital, a sporting event or any school performance.

eaten food spat out by my baby.

passed out in bed while putting my child to sleep. 

peed myself while sneezing or coughing.

been scared of having intercourse after giving birth.

been terrified to check out my vagina after giving birth.

threatened my kids with abandonment when they wouldn’t listen.

missed my baby while he/she was sleeping, even if we were together all day. 

pretended to still be asleep so I could stay in bed a little longer.

said a bad word in front of my children.

been caught by my own kids while “doing it” with the husband.

*Featured image by: Mylène Péron of

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City girl turned beach mama, living in the island of Siargao, enjoying life while tryna survive the crazy world of muthahood.