When leaving your comfort zone leads to a life with zero regrets
Everything you want is already yours.
Sometimes the most magical things happen when you least expect it! This is how I feel about No Tummy Mommy. It all started with my love for fitness and starting a blog during my maternity leave to document my journey after having my first daughter. I enjoyed sharing my postpartum active lifestyle with my family. I am also a certified pre- and post-natal fitness specialist, and loved helping other women work towards being happier and healthier mothers.
In the beginning, I juggled my full-time job, my blog, and mom life. It wasn’t easy and I dreamed of the day when I could call it quits… for good. But years went by, and despite that little voice inside me telling me it was time to take the leap, I continued on managing both. I was burnt out and wasn’t necessarily practicing what I preached. That little voice continued to get louder (AND LOUDER) and finally, after my second daughter, I knew that I had to move on. I knew it was time to leave my secure, well-paying corporate job for the world of entrepreneurship. Was I scared? YES. But I was ready for what the Universe had in store for me.

If you know deep down that you are meant to be doing more, don’t ignore that inner voice. My advice is to start by writing it down. Devise an initial plan of how you can start. Therefore, this doesn’t mean you give your 2-week notice tomorrow. Instead start with baby steps. Speak to your significant other about how you can support each other through all of this. Don’t be afraid to talk to other entrepreneurs and share how you’re feeling. Chances are, they will tell you they felt the exact same way, and I promise you, many of them will tell you they have zero regrets. The more you start to envision what you want, the more comfortable you will become with making it your reality. Your purpose and your why also start to become clearer.
Entrepreneurship is a roller coaster, but it’s worth every twist and turn. I know that some of my friends and family worried I was making a bad choice leaving my corporate job after 13 years, but I continued to listen to what my head and heart were saying. I know that if I am happy and my intentions are good, I will never look back.

Personally, I feel as though the biggest challenge in working for yourself is managing your mindset. It’s so wild how we can get in our own head and how our own negative self-talk can be the cause of our stress. Mastering my mindset through positive affirmations, journaling, and being aware of my triggers is something I focus on daily. I am a big believer that the mind is everything, so as an entrepreneur it’s important to remind yourself that you got this and nothing is going to stop you!

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