
Social (Media) Distancing & Chill

Knowing when to call it quits and other ways to stay sane

The world is going through a major shift, and for a lot of us, we are beginning to accept, and settle into, a life of the new normal. Maybe you’re looking into unschooling, or you’re figuring out new ways to make an income without having to leave your house. Either way, it’s all very strange. To nobody’s surprise, mothers have been a vision of calm and control. But we all know how that is, right? When all hell breaks loose, and your children need you… you are there. This is a mothering gift and I believe it applies to how we’re going about our days during this unprecedented crisis.

For the record, just because we keep our composure, doesn’t mean we aren’t freaking out on the inside. It can be difficult to zone in on this sense of calm as we are worried sick about being coughed on, losing business, living in isolation, or keeping our loved ones safe. Social media, in particular, is a literal petri dish of thoughts, suggestions, and distressing headlines, riding on your emotions, throwing cheap shots at your psyche. All of these things can bring about high levels of anxiety and severe stress. Let’s just take a step back and chill, shall we?

It’s a hard habit to break. Mindless scrolling has become second nature, and truth be told, we never know when to say it’s enough. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been incredibly uplifting to see how our communities have come together in a multitude of ways. For the most part though, a lot of what we come across can leave us feeling… triggered.

With everything going on out there, there’s a tendency to feel somewhat helpless. We do not need any more added pressure. However, the way you react, and the energy you allow into your life and into your home is all completely up to you. It’s pretty much the only thing you can control at this point. So, in the spirit of slowing down and hitting that reset button, here are a few things you can ponder over to calm the nerves, while you give yourself a much needed social media detox.


There’s an influx of info coming at you from every direction, at every second, of every day. Slow your roll and pause. There’s no need to immediately interact, share, or reply to everything coming in through your available channels. Give yourself a moment to process. Those posts will still be there when you get back.


It is so important to put your needs on your priority list, more so when you’re taking care of other people. A sound mind and a healthy body is key to keeping your emotions in check, especially at a time like this. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy; move around for a few minutes a day, meditate, nourish properly, sit in silence or nibble on chocolate. Chocolate has endorphins, endorphins make you happy, and being happy means you will respond to chaos a lot better. Can’t argue with science.


Reach out and get in touch with your support system. We are all living through this nightmare, they would probably love to hear from you too. Communicating with people that you care about and trust is a good way to keep yourself  grounded and refresh your mindset.


Dealing with anxiety is nothing new (in motherhood), but the magnitude may be a little bit higher up than we’re used to. Apply reliable tactics that have worked for you in the past and adjust as much as you need. Take a long ass shower. Stay under the covers a little longer than usual. Scream. Whatever works for you, only you know best. Do you, boo.


Amidst a global pandemic, it’s hard to think of anything else. Immerse yourself in conversation over things that make you happy. Dive into the arts, revisit old movies, listen to your favourite music and share stories about your life. It need not be complex. Now is not the time to obsess over productivity, but if you’re up for it, there’s a whole world of possibilities waiting to be discovered. Take your pick and lose yourself.


Try to listen to the reawakening of nature. The hum of the city is at an all-time low. Get on the floor with the kids, even if all you do is sit there. Start where you can and take it from there- declutter, create a photo collage, clean your microwave, or cuddle with your family. The walls may feel like they’re closing in at times, but don’t overlook the possibility that a life you love can still exist within them.


Literally everyone you know, right down to your Grab driver, is affected by this pandemic and living in uncertain times. You are not alone in your worries and it’s important that you remember this. Nobody knows what the hell they’re doing either or what to expect in the foreseeable future.

There is a fine line between keeping yourself updated and overwhelming yourself with unnecessary information. Manage your data, ladies. By nature, we are suckers for bad news, and this age of technology comes with an ungodly amount of toxicity. Be gentle with your expectations and judgements that you may have unknowingly placed on yourself. We can curb this anxiety by being mindful of the things that we absorb and consciously choose what brings us more peace and rest.

Stay home, be hopeful, keep safe, and chill.

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About Author

Former night-life aficionado turned snack b*tch, uses her spare time to document the perils of parenting & rooting for the virtue of humanity.