Quarantine Essentials and Motherhood in a Timely Fashion
When I was a teen, like many, I imagined myself as a married home owner with a baby by the time I was 25, and a total of 2 or 3 kids before I hit 30 (woah!) BUT life happened… Goals changed. Priorities changed. Motherhood took a back seat to being an independent business woman and I was perfectly fine with that.
I did, however, get married pretty young, at 26 years old, but waited a whopping 12 years before getting pregnant! So you can imagine the countless times we were asked, or shall I say accosted, by friends and mostly family. Specifically prying aunties with:
“When are you going to have a baby?” OR “Do you NOT want kids?!”
I can even recall an auntie who skipped the pleasantries of asking, and went straight to putting her hands over my stomach, while praying out loud to God for me to have a baby. My response?! Awkwardly, “ummm, hi to you too, Auntie.” followed with an eye roll so hard, my head hurt.
It’s not that I intentionally held off from growing our family… Like I said, life happened. Plus, I didn’t think we (specifically, me) were ready to bring a child into this world… and yes, I know, NOBODY is ever ready. Also, I’d be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge the fact that, although I wanted to be a mom, I had a HUGE fear of changing my personal and work-life dynamic.
“When would I have time to even BE pregnant? Let alone have a baby.”
“What will it be like with another human in our home?”
“Structure? What’s that?”
And the most heart wrenching question of them all… “Will I be a good mom?!”
I got so caught up in questioning all the ways our life may or may not change, that the realization of how much a baby would fulfill our lives for the better didn’t come to mind. It wasn’t until I saw my baby, for the first time, during a sonogram appointment. From that moment on, the fear and doubt of wondering how and if we’d make it work, and whether or not I’d even be a good mom, was gone. I felt it in my gut that not only would we make it work, but we’d be kick ass parents, AND I wouldn’t be a good mom… I’d be an awesome mom; or at least I’d try.
I went from work being my whole life, to having my daughter, Bowie Layne, and consciously adjusting my work life to ensure a happy balance for my family. I realized quickly that life didn’t need to be all about designing, deadlines and keeping up with my social life or persona. I’ve found so much more happiness and fulfillment in being a present mom, enjoying all the hobbies with her that I previously put on the back burner, AND a renewed love and appreciation for style and fashion… I mean, how could I not? I have my own mini me to play dress up with!!!
Since I’ve always been an avid thrift and flea market shopper, it came as no surprise the thrill I’d get out of finding unique pieces and customizing them for her quirky personality. I also keep in mind how quickly she grows, so everything is altered to ensure each piece can be worn for an extended amount of time. Points for creativity & sustainability!!!
However, since quarantine, I’ve passed on shopping IRL and have since opted to a ridiculous amount of online shopping. All of which consist mainly of toddler clothes, toys, books, clothes and clothes… Did I say clothes? Why though, right? She barely even goes anywhere.
Every so often, I’ll find something for myself, which sadly ends up idle in the shopping cart, or screen grabbed into a folder on my phone for future shopping (AKA my “wishful-thinking-for-when-this-damn-pandemic-is-over-and-done-with!” folder). Otherwise, I’m mainly down to these 3 Quarantine Essentials, that whether I’m stuck at home or not, rest assured, I’ll feel good and comfortable, AND most importantly- be Zoom ready at any time:
1. Cozy sweat suit in black or neutral colors… Nobody will notice you’ve worn the same one days in a row! I’m currently living in sweats by my husband’s brand, ROKIT.
2. What better than a pair of bold earrings & layered necklaces to add some pizzazz to your oh so cozy sweat suit.
3. Last but certainly not least, a mask, duh! It’s fun seeing people’s personalities and style shine through with their choice of mask. Mine is usually just black… hmmm, what does that say about me?! lol
Wow, sweat pants, huh? What a 180˚ from the wild days before baby and Covid-19.
Oh man, I’m looking forward to the day this global pandemic is over and we have some sort of normalcy (whatever that means) back in our lives.
Until then… Cheers to all the mamas out there doing their best to find that work and personal life balance. Cheers to all the future mamas who can’t imagine a life where that’s even possible… Like me, you’ll quickly see that it is and when you do, congratulate yourself, because it’s worth congratulating!

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