Self-care, dating as a single mom, & keeping it one hundred— she’s the real deal
Celebrity accounts reign supreme in the world of social media, and a lot of the time, they really do set the standard. Filter-heavy and curated to perfection, it’s hard to distinguish where their public persona ends and their authenticity begins (if at all). This is public knowledge, but for Andi Eigenmann, it’s a totally different story. She’s as refreshing as she is real, and she’s making a statement— setting the bar high for her daughters.
Andi is getting ready for her third child, and we thought we’d pick her brain before things got too busy. We’re all familiar with trials and tribulations, but to have to experience it under the public eye is a whole other level. Andi did just that, and we wanted to ask about her motherhood journey now that she’s walking on sunshine.
In the era of filters and editing apps your posts are filled with untouched, raw photos of yourself. We admire that so much. How important is it for you to show up on social media platforms as your authentic self?
This has been my whole thing since going into showbiz as a teen. I always thought nothing could ever go wrong as long as I choose to be my honest self. While it didn’t turn out to be entirely true that nothing would go wrong (lol), I always found comfort in knowing that it’s still something, to be courageous enough to be authentic, in a world where we are always watched and judged. So, especially now that I have kids, girls at that, I like to keep that up to set an example for them.

How important do you think it is to do personal projects outside of motherhood?
To me, giving as much importance, love, and care to yourself is as important as it is to love and care for your children. You can’t pour from an empty cup! In my opinion, doing our own thing outside of motherhood is a way to do just that. Its super crucial to keep ourselves happy, and inspired, and motivated in order to be the best moms we can be.
What do you miss most about living in the city when you’re at home on the island?
Hmmm… thats a tough question :)) My family, i guess! I’ve always been close to them, and also being sort of new on the island, I am still only beginning to form deeper connections and friendships with the people there. It’s different when you already have a family and you move to a new place.
What does self-care look like to you?
It’s as simple as having just enough time to do “me stuff”. Like cooking for my kids, taking a nice warm shower, or doodling in my journal.
When you were a single mom, did you have any apprehensions about finding another partner or attempting to “get back in the game”?
I’d normally get shamed, even by my own friends, about this when i was dating. Because I already had a kid, everyone assumes that dating someone should mean I’m sure of this person being my forever (as if that was entirely up to me), or that it’s just “more proper” to force your relationship with the father because, well, he’s the father— even if the relationship really wasn’t working. But I think this also falls under your own “personal thing”. Giving yourself the opportunity to meet someone doesn’t mean you’re not being a good mom.
How did having a baby influence the qualities you valued in a partner?
I think with me, its similar to how some of us always think of what our parents would think when we date / meet someone. :))

What is the biggest contrast for you, in terms of being a single mom then, and now, having a partner?
I’m actually still not used to it! haha
I really learned to enjoy the perks of raising a child by myself, or wished I got to have her more to myself (just coz me and Ellie’s dad co-parent separately), but it’s nice too! it’s nice to have someone to talk to and get support from, in terms of raising kids, making decisions and stuff. I’m really glad that me and my partner are always on the same page (so far) when it comes to parenting
What is the biggest lesson parenthood has taught you?
A LOT. The importance of patience, keeping in mind that my children are only children, and that they won’t really learn anything with me losing my cool over the inevitable. haha
The acceptance of change, and how valuable time is— because it does go by so fast, especially when you have kids.
We love how you’ve embraced yourself and your body. This is something so many mamas struggle with. We know from experience! Was it always like this for you? If not can you tell us what that struggle looked like for you and how you overcame it?
It wasn’t always like this for me, at all. I feel like this is why I like to share my thoughts on it and talk about it, because I’ve struggled with body image issues for a while too. Especially being in an industry where the way you look matters, and where you’re expected to always seem so perfect. Then, the moment you do something that shows an imperfect side of you, you’re shamed for it. You’re made to feel you’re not good enough.

Were there any influential books, mentors, friends, or family that you leaned on to overcome certain hardships in your life? If so can you share?
I remember really loving The Power Of Now (Eckhart Tolle) and The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success (Deepak Chopra). During that time I was “finding myself”, those books really helped lift my spirit and inspired me.
We have coined the term “motherlusting” to represent the different moms that we admire or are inspired by, you being one of them. Are there any moms out there that you “#motherlust” over?
Hmm… pretty much every parent I see on my feed who does awesome stuff with their kiddos is mom goals to me! Off the top of my head from celebs— Chrissy Teigen, Kristen bell, Kate Hudson, Pink, etc etc etc! I admire and love every mom who is proud to be one! I don’t have (high) standards because I know how hard it is to be a parent, and I do think that each and every one of us mamas have our own story, own struggles, and we deserved to be praised for the mere fact that we committed to bringing these little humans into this world, and are doing our best to raise good children. 😀
Best advice you’ve ever been given in regards to motherhood?
Hug your children, and savor each and every chance and moment you get to have with them. 😀
What message do you want to send other moms about embracing their own journey?
You do you mamas! Enjoy the journey, love your children, but dont forget to love and leave something for yourself too!

and an eco-conscious island mama based in Siargao, Philippines.
All images courtesy of Andi’s personal Instagram: @andieigengirl
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